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For successful publication in Journal "Annals - Economy Series" - "Drăgan" European University of Lugoj, the manuscripts must comply with the following content and format guidelines:
Theme: "Romania's Economy in the Financial and Economic Crisis"
Research Areas:
Papers must fall within the following interest areas:
√ Economy and European Integration;
√ Finance, Banking and Insurance;
√ Accounting and Financial Administration;
√ Management, Marketing and Business Administration;
√ Mathematics, Statistics, Cybernetics and Economic Informatics;
√ Business Communication and Ethics.
Accepted Language:
√ English.
Manuscript's Length:
√ 4 pages (minimum length);
√ 30 pages (maximum length).
Fonts and Styles:
√ Font: Times New Roman, 1 line spacing;
√ Editing Format: Word '97 - Word 2013.
Page Settings:
√ Format size: All the pages of the manuscript size should be: 17 x 24 cm, Portrait;
√ The margins should: Top - 2,5 cm, Bottom - 2,5 cm, Left - 3,5 cm, Right - 2,5 cm, Gutter - 0 cm, Header - 1,25 cm, Footer - 1,25 cm;
√ All the text must be in one column format and Times New Roman must be used, including figures and tables;
√ Leave one blank lines before the sections of the manuscript.
Front Page:
√ WORD FILE TEMPLATE. MANUSCRIPT MAIN TITLE: Times New Roman, 14 point, Bold, Centered, Upper Case;
√ Author's Name(s): Times New Roman, 12 point, Bold, Centered, Upper and lower case;
√ Affiliation: Times New Roman, 12 point, Normal, Centered, Upper and lower case;
√ City, Country: Times New Roman, 12 point, Normal, Centered, Upper and lower case;
√ E-mail: Times New Roman, 12 point, Italic, Centered, Upper and lower case;
√ Abstract (Times New Roman, 11 point, Bold, Upper and lower case, alignment Justified): Times New Roman, 11 point, Italic, Upper and lower case, alignment Justified, max. 200 words;
√ Keywords (Times New Roman, 11 point, Bold, alignment Justified): Times New Roman, 11 point, Italic, Upper and lower case, alignment Justified;
√ JEL Classification (Times New Roman, 11 point, Bold, alignment Justified): Times New Roman, 11 point, Italic, Upper and lower case, alignment Justified;
√ Spacing between WORD FILE TEMPLATE. MANUSCRIPT MAIN TITLE and Author's Name(s):
2 lines;
√ Spacing between E-mail and Abstract: 2 lines;
√ Spacing between Abstract and Keywords: 1 line;
√ Spacing between Keywords and JEL Classification: 1 line;
√ Spacing between JEL Classification and Text: 2 lines;
√ Spacing between Text and References: 2 lines.
Manuscript Text:
√ Times New Roman, 12 point, 1 line spacing, Normal, alignment Justified.
References, Figures and Tables:
√ The citation number of a bibliographical reference in text must be Harvard style;
√ One does not use footnotes to quote an author, but the "Name of author" and "Year of publication" format in the actual text, as follows:
§ One author (Aubrey, 2012);
§ Two authors (Aubrey & Birley, 2013);
§ More than two authors (Aubrey et al., 2014).
√ When one uses quotations, tables, figures, one must always mention the page number of the quoted resource (Aubrey, 2012: 125);
√ The number of the table, graphic or figure will be presented in Italics, before the name of the item, both aligned to the Center;
√ The name of the item will be presented in Bold, using the same font as the rest of the text, and placed on the top of the table, graphic or figure;
√ The bibliographic source (when existing) will be Centered and placed below the figure, table or graphic, Centered, 11 point;
√ Figures, tables and graphics should be Centered and Numbered (E.g. Fig. 1 / Fig. no. 1 / Figure no. 1 / Table 1 / Table no. 1);
√ The font of the tables will be the same of the entire text;
√ A list of the References should be given at the end of the manuscript.
√ References (Times New Roman, 12 point, Bold, alignment Justify and Capitalize the first letter):
[1]. (Times New Roman, 11 point, Normal, alignment Justify, Upper and lower case);
[2]. (Times New Roman, 11 point, Normal, alignment Justify, Upper and lower case);
[3]. (Times New Roman, 11 point, Normal, alignment Justify, Upper and lower case);
[4]. (Times New Roman, 11 point, Normal, alignment Justify, Upper and lower case).
√ E.g.: [1]. Samuelson, P.A., (2000). Manuscript Title. Journal Name , 1-15;
√ E.g.: [2]. Samuelson, P.A., (2000). Book Title. Location: Publisher;
√ E.g.: [3]. Samuelson, P.A., Manuscript Title. U.E.D. 2000 Proceedings (pp. 1-15). Location: Publisher;
√ E.g.: [4]. Samuelson, P.A., (2000). Web page. Retrieved from